Team Members

Sergey Skipetrov, LPMMC

Sergey Skipetrov holds a PhD in physics from the Moscow State University. He is a permanent researcher of the French CNRS since 2001 and is the head of the Laboratory of Physics and Modelling of Condensed Matter (Grenoble) since 2021. He was awarded the CNRS bronze medal for his work on multiple scattering of light in 2006. Sergey’s scientific research concerns wave scattering in disordered media, including fundamental problems (Anderson localization, quantum optics, topological insulators) (…)

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Philippe Roux, ISTerre

As one of M. FINK’s former student (from 1994 to 1997), and then as one of his team member when recruited as a Research Associate at CNRS (from 1998 to 2001), Philippe ROUX was educated in sciences with an interdisciplinary approach for wave propagation in complex media where small scale and large scale experiments always merge together at some point. Philippe ROUX is an experimentalist with a strong background in ultrasonics, underwater acoustics, and geophysics. In 2004, he was a Research (…)

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Jean Guillard, CARRTEL

Research Engineer (INRAE) (HDR), Jean Guillard is a specialist in the use of acoustic methods for the study of fish populations in aquatic ecosystems. His research is conducted within the framework of methodological approaches on the use of these methods (e.g. impact of the frequency of use, development of an autonomous device, acoustic camera...) but also in the field of fisheries ecology (population dynamics, study of behavior, stock estimates...). His recognized expertise in the field has (…)

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Guillaume Matte, iXBlue

Guillaume Matte is a research engineer at iXblue sonar systems since 2008. His main interests are transducers and antennas design, prototyping and qualification as well as innovative SONAR and echosounder imaging processes. He graduated from Luminy school of engineering (Marseille) specialised as a biomedical engineer in 2005, and then obtained his Phd from Erasmus University (Rotterdam) in 2010 from his work on non linear medical ultrasound imaging transducer and methods. He is one of the (…)

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Benoit Tallon, Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert

Benoît Tallon’s research is mostly experimental and focuses on acoustic wave transport in disordered media. During his PhD at I2M Bordeaux, he studied the impact of strongly disordered media on the transport of acoustic waves. Through laboratory scale experiments, this work pointed out key transport parameters that can be employed to probe complex media with ultrasounds. After a post-doc at the University of Manitoba (Winnipeg - Canada), Benoît worked at ISTerre Grenoble on the VIBEA project (…)

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