Benoit Tallon, Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert

Benoît Tallon’s research is mostly experimental and focuses on acoustic wave transport in disordered media. During his PhD at I2M Bordeaux, he studied the impact of strongly disordered media on the transport of acoustic waves. Through laboratory scale experiments, this work pointed out key transport parameters that can be employed to probe complex media with ultrasounds. After a post-doc at the University of Manitoba (Winnipeg - Canada), Benoît worked at ISTerre Grenoble on the VIBEA project (Volume Imaging for Biomass assEssment in Aquaculture). During this project, scientists from ISTerre, iXblue, LPMMC and CARRTEL, studied acoustic scattering in fish aggregates and evidenced mesoscopic effect that are usually observed when light is scattered by nanoparticles. Benoît then scientifically advised Aquabio AS (Bergen - Norway), in the use of multiple scattering methods for acoustic monitoring purposes in aquaculture context. Today, has an associate professor at Institut Jean le Rond d’Alembert - Sorbonne Université, he keeps working on acoustic transport in complex media, and on the parallel that can be established between model experiments and observations made in natural environments.

Updated on 12 October 2022