Publications & Presentations

Peer-reviewed papers

1- Benoit Tallon, Philippe Roux, Guillaume Matte, Jean Guillard, John H. Page, and Sergey E. Skipetrov,
Ultra-Slow Acoustic Energy Transport in Dense Fish Aggregates
Scientific Reports, 11(1):17541, doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-97062-4, 2021

Ultra slow acoustic energy transport in dense fish aggregates

2- Benoit Tallon, Philippe Roux, Guillaume Matte, Jean Guillard and Sergey E. Skipetrov
Acoustic Density Estimation of Dense Fish Shoals
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America – 148 (3), EL234-EL239, DOI: 10.1121/10.0001935, 2020.


3- Benoit Tallon, Philippe Roux, Guillaume Matte, Jean Guillard and Sergey Skipetrov
Mesoscopic wave physics in fish shoals
AIP advances, 10 (5), 055208, DOI: 10.1063/5.0005145, 2020.

Mesoscopic wave physics in fish shoals

4- Guillaume Matte ,Tehei Gauthier, Nathan Rousselot, Jean Guillard, Marie Lamouret, Olivier Lerda, Benoit Tallon, Phillipe Roux, and Frederic Mosca
Implementation of split-beam function to Mills cross multibeam echo sounder for target strength measurements
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol. 0, Issue 0, 1–9.

Implementation of the split-beam function to Mills cross multibeam echo sounder for target strength measurements

5- Olivier Lerda, Ammar Mian, Guillaume Ginolhac, Senior Member, IEEE, Jean-Philippe Ovarlez,
Member, IEEE, Didier Charlot
Robust Detection for Mills Cross Sonar

Robust Detection for Mills Cross Sonar

Oral presentations

1-Benoit Tallon, Philippe Roux, Sergey Skipetrov and Guillaume Matte,
Multiple scattering of ultrasonic waves by a school of fish
GdR Complexe annual workshop, Paris, April 1-2, 2019.

GdR Complexe Annual Workshop

2- Benoit Tallon, Philippe Roux, Sergey Skipetrov and Guillaume Matte,
Mesoscopic wave physics in a dense fish school
178th Meeting of the Acoustical Societ of America, Friday, Dec. 6, Wilder room of the Hotel del Coronado, San Diego, 2019.

178th Meeting Acoustical Society of America

3- Benoit Tallon, Philippe Roux, Sergey Skipetrov and Guillaume Matte,
Mesoscopic wave physics in fish shoals
Imaging in Wave Physics: Multi-Wave and Large Sensor Networks 2019, IESC (Cargèse), 23-27 Septembre 2019.

4- Benoit Tallon, Philippe Roux, Sergey Skipetrov and Guillaume Matte,
Mesoscopic wave physics with fish shoals
Workshop Disorder and Chaos, LPMMC (Grenoble), 14-15 Novembre 2019.