Guillaume Matte, iXBlue

Guillaume Matte is a research engineer at iXblue sonar systems since 2008. His main interests are transducers and antennas design, prototyping and qualification as well as innovative SONAR and echosounder imaging processes. He graduated from Luminy school of engineering (Marseille) specialised as a biomedical engineer in 2005, and then obtained his Phd from Erasmus University (Rotterdam) in 2010 from his work on non linear medical ultrasound imaging transducer and methods. He is one of the core engineers that developped Seapix, a multi-split beam echosounder which is a versatile technological brick used for several applications such as static bathymetry, obstacle avoidance or by the fishery industry. He also participated in projects involving the developpement of transducers for underwater positionning and communication. In 2018, he lead project VIBEA (Volume Imaging for Biomass assEssment in Aquaculture) that gathered physicist from ISTerre (CNRS) and engineers and technicians from iXblue to develop non invasive biomass indicators for fishfarmers using Seapix technological brick. He is today managing the "Groupe Etudes Sonar" at Ixblue Sonar system Division.
Updated on 13 September 2022